Friday 4 November 2011

Arguing - Sorry MOM

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arguing wif my family. mostly wif my MOM. didn't mean to. sorry mom because be a bad daughter to you. well, i'm not good enough, that i admit it. because of the argument, there's a gap between us. more~ and moreeeee~ i miss my mom..mostly i miss my old self. 

it's not that i became a bad person. well, that's more like it, i guess. just after the incident, i become more silent, quite... cause something that shock me afterwards. i don't know what it is. i became more scared of anything. that's why i kept quite all the time. sorry mom. i have no intentions to do this tho. really!! i love you wif all my heart but i just can't get rid of this annoying creature in myself. it's a disease. probably. i'm bad. oh my duck.. what i've done to my mom lately? i felt so bad bad bad~ enough! sorry -->> just this i can say to you mom. love u mom. sorry. ='(
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Friday 22 April 2011


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Love is unpredictable. We don’t know when it would strike, where it would strike and whom it will strike. One day we will wake up and found ourselves looking at someone and imagining the “what ifs”: what if we will be having a relationship? What if he will smile at me? What if he accidentally bumps on me? Strange ideas do come in mind.

Love is a sweet feeling but it can also be bitter sweet, for there is a very painful kind of love. A kind of love that everyone might have or might be experienced, it is called a one side love. It comes in many ways, it can be in situation where you love someone but he or she is already in a relationship or it can also be you in a relationship and your so in love with your partner but he is indifferent to you or doesn’t feel exactly what you are feeling. You try your very best to be noticed, just to strike a conversation just to let him smile at you. You tend to be aggressive and compose at the same time. You’re itching for his attention, you want to grab him and hold him tight but he’s far from your reach. He might be physically near but he’s feelings for you is light year from your existence.

You tend to daydream, you tend to make believe, and you tend to hope that someday you’ll end up together that someday he will be able to return your feelings. And that is where the pain starts, you keep on holding to such matters that every move he makes is a big matter for you. You keep on expecting but nothing happens. You are there, a background for a relationship that would never seem to shatter. But still, you’re not ready to give up even though the conclusion is already implied that you would never be together but you’re still there hoping that the story would shift from her to you. Every kisses and hugs, every glances and smiles contribute to the thousands of arrows of pain being struck to you.

You would say I’m happy for you, You guys are so sweet, I’m letting you go, If you don’t feel the same way about me then go. Those words keep ringing in your head but still you’re holding on the quote “if we’re meant to be then you would come back to me”. A one sided love story, a story of endless struggles of being noticed, of trying to impressed, of trying hard, of waiting, of hoping, of loving, and of taking as much pain as you can take in.

one-sided love is tiring and painful. a HOPING love that hardly came true.
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Wednesday 13 April 2011

jarang ONLINE..

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2:22 am... wahh~ baru dpt online..tu pon sbb owner ngah tido. haha.. pasni da jarang online laa...sedey pon sedey gak tp okiee la sb x online dpt melukis banyak2!!! ehehe.. tu kbaikn, kburukannye ak xtau la cite latest kengkawan ak, tpkse la mnunggu mse y sesuai. =.="
online ari2 pon muhsan gak...^^v
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Tuesday 22 March 2011


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my wish 2011.
> be MYSELF, protecting MYSELF, make me HAPPY more and more!!
> live HAPPILY with family & friends.
> can further my STUDIES.
> achieve my DREAM.
> leave all the PAST, concentrate on PRESENT, work hard for the FUTURE.
> don't want to be SAD anymore.
> found my UNICORN or ANGEL.
> grant someone WISH.
> make someone HAPPY.
> LOVE someone with my heart.
> HAPPILY EVER AFTER~!!! ehehee...

p/s : de wish baru nnt, tambah la kot...ahahaakss.. ^___^
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huu~what a day.. arini ak betul-betul da disakiti oleh kawan-kawan aku sendiri. memang menyakitkan. aku tak faham nape diorang wat camni kat aku. kalau la diorang rase pe yang aku rase skarang, adakah diorang akan menghentikan kesakitan hati aku ni ek? aku tak rase aku ade wat salah, aku tak rase aku ade sakitkan hati diorang.. selama berkawan, aku layan diorang dengan baik sampai ak wat album kenangan kitorang mase belajar agi. aku arap sangat2 diorang sedar pe yang diorang da wat. aku pon manusia gak. ade hati..ade perasaan..kenape korang cakap camtu seolah2 aku ni xde hati perasaan langsung.. aku pon penah sedih gak, penah menangis, penah hampir-hampir jadi gile tau tak??!! tergamak gile korang wat camni. aku tak tau nak wat ape da.. panggil al aku macam mane pon. aku tetap ngan diri aku sendiri. hanya aku je yang tau diri aku so korang tak ley nak judge aku tak semena-mena. sebelum korang judge aku tuhh, tengok la diri sendiri dulu. korang nak aku balas ke pe yang korang da wat kat aku nihh?? bukak segala cerita korang?? aku ley balas sume tuhh kalo aku nak tapi aku pikir kite adalah kawan dan kite sepatutnye meghargai masing-masing. memulihkan hati kawan yang telah dilukai. bukannye buat camni. aku rase korang macam tak penah anggap aku seorang kawan selame nihh.. patut ke aku hilang kan diri? jauhkan diri aku dari korang? buang segala memori kite dulu? mungkin aku patut wat camtu bagi menghilangkan sakit aku nihh.. aku betul-betul terkejut. muke yang baik, sifat yang baik selame nihh rupanya hati nye BUSUK!!! perwatakan itu hanya kepura-puraan bagi korang. aku harap korang bahagie dengan ape yang korang da wat nihh.. memandangkan korang tak rase pe yang aku rase nihh, mungkin korang takkan penah nak faham aku.. aku akan undur diri. time kasih tuk segalenye.. korang betul-betul da lukai..hancurkan HATI aku.. sekian.
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Friday 4 March 2011

drawing again ~

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"fallen angel"

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i introduced u~~ my...errr....drawing!!! ^0^
sile2 kan laa tengok ek?nak comment ke..puji ke..bole2~nak kutuk tuhh...hurm~kite private2 kat tmpt lain la ek?eheheee...this is it!

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the Dreamer

My photo
♪i LOVE eating♪i'm a little bit CRAZY♪otaku desu~♪LOVES drawing♪music is my SOUL♪can't live without ART♪i like STAR,SKY,MOON♪i want to touch the SNOW♪RAIN is my friend♪EMO♪happy-go-too-lucky!!♪LAUGH is my cure♪making frens♪listening to music all the time♪like burger♪MILO♪icecream!!♪toys & dolls♪HATE liars♪ ♪i've got 4 dongsaeng include ME..^^ >my sport brader >my strict sister >second crazy sister >the abnormal~ME!! ahahaa.. *joke-joke* ♪i really like spent my time at HOME..well, i'm such an otaku..ekeke.. ♪do watever i like..


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